Quick Start (Application Users)

As an App User, you can make predictions on models deployed on Rafiki.

Making a single prediction

Your app developer should have created an inference job and shared predictor_host, the host at which you can send queries to and receive predictions over HTTP.

Send a POST /predict to predictor_host with a body of the following format in JSON:

    "query": <query>

…where the format of <query> depends on the associated task (see Supported Tasks).

The body of the response will be of the following format in JSON:

    "prediction": <prediction>

…where the format of <prediction> depends on the associated task.


If predictor_host is, run the following in Python:

predictor_host = ''
query_path = 'examples/data/image_classification/fashion_mnist_test_1.png'

# Load query image as 3D list of pixels
from rafiki.model import utils
[query] = utils.dataset.load_images([query_path]).tolist()

# Make request to predictor
import requests
res = requests.post('http://{}/predict'.format(predictor_host), json={ 'query': query })


{'prediction': [0.9364003576825639, 1.016065009906697e-08, 0.0027604885399341583, 0.00014587241457775235, 6.018594376655528e-06, 1.042887332047826e-09, 0.060679372351310566, 2.024707311532037e-11, 7.901770004536957e-06, 1.5299328026685544e-08],
'predictions': []}

Making batch predictions

Similar to making a single prediction, but use the queries attribute instead of query in your request and pass an array of queries instead.


If predictor_host is, run the following in Python:

predictor_host = ''
query_paths = ['examples/data/image_classification/fashion_mnist_test_1.png',

# Load query image as 3D list of pixels
from rafiki.model import utils
queries = utils.dataset.load_images(query_paths).tolist()

# Make request to predictor
import requests
res = requests.post('http://{}/predict'.format(predictor_host), json={ 'queries': queries })


{'prediction': None,
'predictions': [[0.9364002384732744, 1.0160608354681244e-08, 0.0027604878414422274, 0.0001458720798837021, 6.018587100697914e-06, 1.0428869989809186e-09, 0.06067946175827773, 2.0247028012509993e-11, 7.901745448180009e-06, 1.5299294275905595e-08], [0.866741563402005, 5.757699909736402e-05, 0.0006144539802335203, 0.03480150588134776, 3.4249271266162395e-05, 1.3578344004727683e-09, 0.09774905198545598, 6.071191726436664e-12, 1.5324986861742218e-06, 1.583319586551113e-10]]}