.. _`setup-configuration`:
Setup & Configuration
.. _`quick-setup`:
Quick Setup
We assume development or deployment in a MacOS or Linux environment.
1. Install Docker 18 (`Ubuntu `__, `MacOS `__)
and, if required, add your user to ``docker`` group (`Linux `__).
.. note::
If you're not a user in the ``docker`` group, you'll instead need ``sudo`` access and prefix every bash command with ``sudo -E``.
2. Install Python 3.6 such that the ``python`` and ``pip`` commands point to the correct installation of Python 3.6 (see :ref:`installing-python`).
3. Clone the project at https://github.com/nginyc/rafiki (e.g. with `Git `__)
4. Setup Rafiki's complete stack with the setup script:
.. code-block:: shell
bash scripts/start.sh
*Rafiki Admin* and *Rafiki Web Admin* will be available at ```` and ```` respectively.
To destroy Rafiki's complete stack:
.. code-block:: shell
bash scripts/stop.sh
Scaling Rafiki
Rafiki's default setup runs on a single machine and only runs its workloads on CPUs.
Rafiki's model training workers run in Docker containers that extend the Docker image ``nvidia/cuda:9.0-runtime-ubuntu16.04``,
and are capable of leveraging on `CUDA-Capable GPUs `__
Scaling Rafiki horizontally and enabling GPU usage involves setting up *Network File System* (*NFS*) at a common path across all nodes,
installing & configuring the default Docker runtime to `nvidia` for each GPU-bearing node, and putting all these nodes into a single Docker Swarm.
.. seealso:: :ref:`architecture`
To run Rafiki on multiple machines with GPUs, do the following:
1. If Rafiki is running, stop Rafiki with ``bash scripts/stop.sh``
2. Have all nodes `leave any Docker Swarm `__ they are in
3. Set up NFS such that the *master node is a NFS host*, *other nodes are NFS clients*, and the master node *shares an ancestor directory
containing Rafiki's project directory*. `Here are instructions for Ubuntu `__
4. All nodes should be in a common network. On the *master node*, change ``DOCKER_SWARM_ADVERTISE_ADDR`` in the project's ``.env.sh`` to the IP address of the master node
in *the network that your nodes are in*
5. For *each node* (including the master node), ensure the `firewall rules
allow TCP & UDP traffic on ports 2377, 7946 and 4789
6. For *each node that has GPUs*:
6.1. `Install NVIDIA drivers `__ for CUDA *9.0* or above
6.2. `Install nvidia-docker2 `__
6.3. Set the ``default-runtime`` of Docker to `nvidia` (e.g. `instructions here `__)
7. On the *master node*, start Rafiki with ``bash scripts/start.sh``
8. For *each worker node*, have the node `join the master node's Docker Swarm `__
9. On the *master* node, for *each node* (including the master node), configure it with the script:
bash scripts/setup_node.sh
Exposing Rafiki Publicly
Rafiki Admin and Rafiki Web Admin runs on the master node.
Change ``RAFIKI_ADDR`` in ``.env.sh`` to the IP address of the master node
in the network you intend to expose Rafiki in.
Re-deploy Rafiki. Rafiki Admin and Rafiki Web Admin will be available at that IP address,
over ports 3000 and 3001 (by default), assuming incoming connections to these ports are allowed.
**Before you expose Rafiki to the public,
it is highly recommended to change the master passwords for superadmin, server and the database (located in `.env.sh` as `POSTGRES_PASSWORD`, `APP_SECRET` & `SUPERADMIN_PASSWORD`)**
Reading Rafiki's logs
By default, you can read logs of Rafiki Admin & any of Rafiki's workers
in ``./logs`` directory at the root of the project's directory of the master node.
Q: There seems to be connectivity issues amongst containers across nodes!
A: `Ensure that containers are able to communicate with one another through the Docker Swarm overlay network `__